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Salting away diseases
What is the one ingredient that is common to most dishes the world over? Salt, or chemically, sodium chloride. While sprinkling its tiny...
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Lactose intolerance: To digest or not to digest
For about 75% of the world’s population, drinking milk means stomach discomfort. Under normal conditions, lactose, which is the sugar in...
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Browning of Fruits and Vegetables
When you cut an apple, you must have seen the apple slices turn brown soon. When you peel a potato, a black-brown color develops on it...
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Chillies: Hot but very Cool
World over, chillies (or chilli peppers) are used for food flavouring. Though most chillies are hot, there are some (for example, bell...
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Onion and its layers
With its many layers, life is like an onion. Each person is like an onion. But have you ever wondered why is an onion like an onion? Why...
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